After being talked into starting a new blog, I decided to give it a try!! Thanks Nicole, now there is one more thing that keeps me on my computer at all hours!!
I have to say I am very excited to be jumping into a photography career from it being my passion for so long! Nicole was the one who got me interested in photography years ago and I thank her for always pushing me to do things and believing in me (whether it is photography or not).
So today I want to just thank Nicole Hudson for being the best friend anyone could ask for. I miss her so much and I am so happy I got to be part of her wedding day just a few weeks ago!! Nicole and Greg looked stunning and it was so nice to see old friends and her family.
Nicole thank you for always being there no matter what...I love you!
Mandy Thorogood! You brought me to tears with that post! You're adorable. Thank YOU for always being there for me. I'm so grateful for our amazing memories and our ability to pick up where we left off every time we hang out. I love it. I am happy I forced you to get a blog, because you'll be able to look back one day and feel proud at all the posts, comments, and everything. I cannot wait to hang out again, and I can't wait to keep checking this lovely blog. You're so talented and I love watching you grow as a photographer! I love that we're doing it together (although far apart!). LOVE YOU ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxox