Sunday, January 15, 2012

Things You Should Check Out!

So as I was thinking of what to write for my weekly blog, I remembered all the time I have used up this week looking at random websites and photographers.

So instead of showing you pictures today, here are some awesome websites that I have been loving this week: - photography tutorials - online photography classes - for emerging professional photographers

Check those websites out for some great tutorials and classes. As well, below are some photographers that have been truly inspiring over the last few weeks:

Alex Beadon Photography - truly amazing photography, really nice self portraits

Brandy Anderson (Fresh Sugar Photography) - really well known for her children/maternity photos

Erin Manning - author of Make money with your digital photography, great portraits as well as business advice

Be sure to check it all out and let me know what you think. I have got a lot of useful information from those sites and photographers in the past week and hope you do as well!

Have a great week :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

12 for 2012 Project

As each year progresses I normally have a bunch of new ideas that I want to pursue and just hope that one of them will work out. Not this year. Now, I know for sure the direction I want to go with everything in my life. I know for sure that photography is going to consume most of my energy and goals for 2012. I want to really progress as a photographer and focus my energy on as much education in this area as I can and expanding clients for future plans.

So in order to start this year off great for my photography career, I have decided to take advice from my photography teacher from SAIT. Patrick Kornak is such a well-rounded photographer that taught me so much in the summer of 2011. He did the 365 project in which you take a new picture daily. I really admire his passion and I want to follow that same idea.

So for 2012, I am going to be doing "12 for 2012 Project" in which I will do one project each month that has a different aspect of photography for 12 consecutive months. I think it will really force me to try new things and learn new tricks and ultimately make me a better photographer.

In 2012 I also plan to take more photography classes and capture as many great moments as I can and build up clientele. If you know people looking for a photographer this year, keep me in mind!

I encourage you to keep in touch and follow my posts:

Facebook Page: Mandy Thorogood Photography
Twitter: @mthorogoodphoto

Thank you and I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful holiday! All the best in 2012!


Monday, January 2, 2012 no one is watching!

A select few photos (of many amazing ones) of my dance students! I can't reiterate enough how much I enjoy teaching them every week. I am very grateful to be able to teach such talented, committed girls. Every week they put a smile on my face! :) Thanks girls for working so hard and looking forward to the next 6 months of hard work to prepare for year end recital.